Support Files

Remote Control Applications

Please click on the links below to download a .zip file containing all the files needed to install the companion applications for the RAAS Remote Antenna Switches and the GM-102 SWR & Wattmeter.  These applications are for Windows PCs only.  Once downloaded, please expand the .zip file then review the ReadMeFirst.txt file for installation guidance.

Please note that I have not yet digitally signed these applications, so you will receive a security warning from Windows stating that the publisher is unknown.  However, it is safe to continue the installation process.

SWR & Wattmeter Files: GM-102

The following link will download a .zip file that contains the latest firmware image as well as installation instructions and a firmware change log.

GM-102 SWR & Wattmeter Firmware Update – Rev 1.2.2

For a short instructional video on the upgrade process, watch this YouTube video

8 Position Switch Files: RAAS-8a

4 Position Switch Files: RAAS-4a